The Mars Volta

The Mars Volta

Progressive / Rock / Experimental

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Nincs megjeleníthető elem

2008.01.30. 02:32 atika85


Elég sok minden van, de nincs kedvem most egyenként postolgatni.

Első dolog. Négy részes interjú Cedric-kel itt.

Egy másik interjú Omar-ral, melyet az készített erre.

USA Today-ban is van TBIG review.

The Mars Volta, The Bedlam in Goliath: * * * -- Prophetic guitar slinging

The Mars Volta, led by a pair of feral space cats, takes its free-wheeling prog-rock fusion to trippy extremes on an album with a back story Stephen King would admire. Guitarist/composer Omar Rodriguez-Lopez found “The Soothsayer,” a Ouija-type board, at a curio shop in Jerusalem and gave it to singer/lyricist Cedric Bixler-Zavala. Already known for crafting inscrutable rhymes and wildly experimental tunes, the duo created Bedlam based on the dark saga of infidelity and murder that emerged from the device, which also allegedly jinxed the project with a variety of bad tidings, from a studio flood to an engineer’s departure for mental distress. When the messages turned threatening, Rodriguez buried the board in a secret location.

The happy outcome? From wiggy sizzler Ilyena to riff monster Wax Simulacra, this volatile collection rocks and roars with tense, dense freakouts. The Latin shades unfortunately have faded, and excess tends to swamp melodyic virtues, yet Bedlam, with its cranked-up funk and John Frusciante’s guitar blitzes, is one haunted madhouse worth committing to. — Edna Gundersen

>>Download: Goliath, Soothsayer, Ilyena >>Consider: Aberinkula, Cavalettas >>Skip: Metatron

Holland Oor magazin interjúja Omar-ral, amiben szó esik 8 (azaz nyolc) új szóló lemezről.

...Omar Rodriguez-Lopez on The Bedlam In Goliath

On this record it's chaos starting at the very first second. Intentional change or a normal way to work?
I'm getting a little tired of myself. Yes, we used to work with intro's gave the album a easy build up. I wanted to stop that way of working rigorously. I wanted to escape from the things we normaly did, wich felt comfortable. So we hit it from the immediate start.

Maybe it sounds like a cliché, but this record really needs a few listens before you understand it all. Your most difficult record till today.
You call it a cliché, but it ís true. This kind of music asks for attention and effort. And that's exactly what I want it to be. The most records and movies wich I find awesome are like that too. And just like my most dear friendships en most important relations wich I've had. Those all have grown little by little and with that I never knew what to expect from the start. Such a friendship forms after multiple talks. Most of the time even the musicians on the record didn't knew what was happening. I chose to record it all very fragmentary. I've composed hundreds of pieces, wich I let the musicians record each seperatly, without them knowing in what songcontext they would be. Even Cedric [Bixler-Zavala, singer] didn't knew wich direction it all was going. When everything was recorded, everybody heard the whole thing. Wich was for many kind of a surprise.

Central theme on The Bedlam In Goliath is a fortune-telling-board wich you've bought in Jeruzalem and wich you believe brought many disaster. What happened?
After I've bought it we messed around with it. You can ask questions to that thing through some kind of game and you get answers too. But those answers soon got instructions and the board got a hold on us. From that moment many things happened. My studio flooded a few times, I've lost three laptops and four technicians, the electricity dropped off on the strangest places, Cedric got some serious trouble with his foot and I could get on with this. Let me tell you we are all spiritual people, with a background of metaphysical faith. We really believe in this kind of disaster, while some would tell us: ah, it's all coincidence. Knowing we are religious people it's maybe even more stupid to play with that device. We deserve it to burn our fingers. Now that board is burried somewhere deep under ground, but to get rid of all the bad spirits around us, it seemed to be the best to make a complete record about it. That's why everything sometimes sound over the top and agressive.

You've lived in Amsterdam for a year. Did you inspire
(note by Spookrijden: This question got lost by printing the magazine.)

In the meanwhile you're working on the next Mars Volta album and there are multiple soloreleases on schedule. There is still enough music in Omar Rodriguez?
For sure! For the next year I've planned eight new solorecords. The only other one musician I know that worked like this, is John Frusciante. Wich you, by the way, can hear on the new album. Anyway, I get enough to tell. Although my present mood is kinda mellow. My next writings won't be as crazy as Bedlam.
A a Volta a hét együttese.

Solstice Coil review, és egy képregény.

A koncertből van bootleg, itt.

És természetesen tegnap megjelent az album hivatalosan is, irány a bolt, tessék megvenni, érdemes!

És mindenki drukkoljon, hogy ma sikerüljön a programozás vizsgám!


Címkék: interjú letöltés újság bootleg cedric

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